Sponsor A Horse

Can’t take a horse home? Sponsor one instead!

Wild Horse Rescue Center is a nonprofit 100% dependent on donations from the public. We rely on your help to provide our rescued mustangs with the best care possible. It costs about $1,700 to care for a horse without medical problems for a year, but our horses often require extensive medical care throughout the first year following their rescue, and thus – they incur a cost of almost $3,000 per year.

“Sponsoring a horse ensures they get the care they deserve.”

A sponsorship of one of our mustangs also makes the perfect gift. This is truly a gift that gives more because it is not only a gift from you to that special someone – but also a gift to one of our mustangs in need. All sponsorships will receive a personalized gift certificate. After you make your sponsorship we will contact you for the details, so make sure you fill in your email correctly!

“Can I come see or visit the horse I sponsor?”

Absolutely! If you sponsor a mustang, you are welcome to come out and spend time with your mustang weekly or monthly, or whatever fits you. You will also receive a monthly update on how your mustang is doing!

Contact Us Today for More Information:

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Horses Available to Sponsor

These are some of the horses available to sponsor. We do have more than these so you are always welcome to set up an appointment to come out and meet our horses and see who you would like to sponsor.


Okie is a retired BLM working horse. He helps us in the gentling of wild mustangs, and is also a great trail horse.


Dash is one of our retired riding horses that is living his best life here at WHRC. He has taught many volunteers how to ride.


Tatanka is a beautiful buckskin mustang from Sweet Water, Wyoming. He is one of our riding residents. 


Burrita is a young burro from Arizona. She is one of our guardians on the property and is also a part of the welcoming committee.

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